
Pneumatic tool (with reverse mode) designed for pipe ramming and drilling.
Hand installation of Ø25-140mm plastic pipes
Installation of Ø160mm, Ø180mm, and 250mmplastic pipes in the second operation
Mini piling of Ø180mm steel pipes
Ramming of Ø406mm pipes on distances up to 10m
Ramming of Ø159mm, Ø219mm, Ø273mm Ø324mm with use of cones
HP160 is designed for steel pipes ramming up to Ø324mm. It is possible to ram bigger diameter pipes on short distances. HP160 may be used for drilling holes, work with the use of expanders, and in the piling technology. HP160 may be optionally equipped with a rope loop. Reverse mode is switched on by pulling out the air supply hose (it isn't necessary to turn the hose). HP160 is recommended for the approximate range of installing works: Plastic pipes installation: Ø125mm to Ø200mm Steel pipes ramming: 90% of Ø159-324mm steel pipes ramming, 10% of Ø406mm steel pipes ramming on short distances.