
Pneumatic device (with reverse mode) designed for piercing and pipe ramming.
Easy launch in the soil
Soft start
Very favorable work characteristics
Effective and easy work with an expander
High accuracy and power
HP185/HP185P mole is a universal device allowing both plastic pipes installation and steel pipes ramming. The range of use is wide thanks to the possibility of working with an expander and high pipe ramming effectiveness. HP185/HP185P combines the highest in its class power (comparing weight and diameter) with high accuracy. Users of HP185/HP185P indicate high efficiency of piercing in moist soil and loose sand. Towing adapter installed at the rear (cable) gives the opportunity to attach pipes directly to the mole with the use of steel rope and tension plate. Reverse gear is applied by turning air supply hose (8 turns) or in the "P" version using a handle built into the steering-lubricating station. We suggest the purchase of this model for the approximate range of work: 50% plastic pipes installation Ø160-250mm and 50% steel pipes ramming Ø219-324mm. HP185/HP185P can also be equipped with a pipe pulling tube installed on the rear of the mole allowing to pull max Ø160mm plastic pipe in the first operation or up to 250mm with the use of an expander - "M" version.